Quadratic Deep

class deepobs.pytorch.testproblems.quadratic_deep.quadratic_deep(batch_size, weight_decay=None)[source]

DeepOBS test problem class for a stochastic quadratic test problem 100dimensions. The 90 % of the eigenvalues of the Hessian are drawn from theinterval \((0.0, 1.0)\) and the other 10 % are from \((30.0, 60.0)\) simulating an eigenspectrum which has been reported for Deep Learning https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.01838.

This creatis a loss functions of the form

\(0.5* (\theta - x)^T * Q * (\theta - x)\)

with Hessian Q and "data" x coming from the quadratic data set, i.e., zero-mean normal.

  • batch_size (int) -- Batch size to use.
  • weight_decay (float) -- No weight decay (L2-regularization) is used in this test problem. Defaults to None and any input here is ignored.

The DeepOBS data set class for the quadratic problem.


None. The output of the model is the loss.


The DeepOBS subclass of torch.nn.Module that is trained for this tesproblem (net_quadratic_deep).

get_batch_loss_and_accuracy_func(reduction='mean', add_regularization_if_available=True)[source]

Get new batch and create forward function that calculates loss and accuracy (if available) on that batch.

  • reduction (str) -- The reduction that is used for returning the loss. Can be 'mean', 'sum' or 'none' in which case each indivual loss in the mini-batch is returned as a tensor.
  • add_regularization_if_available (bool) -- If true, regularization is added to the loss.

The function that calculates the loss/accuracy on the current batch.

Return type:



Sets up the test problem.