Source code for deepobs.analyzer.analyze_utils

import os
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib2tikz import save as tikz_save
from matplotlib2tikz import get_tikz_code
from .. import tensorflow

[docs]class Analyzer: """DeepOBS analyzer class to generate result plots or get other summaries. Args: path (str): Path to the results folder. This folder should contain one or multiple testproblem folders. Attributes: testproblems: Dictionary of test problems where the key is the name of a test problem (e.g. ``cifar10_3c3d``) and the value is an instance of the TestProblemAnalyzer class (see below). """ def __init__(self, path): """Initializes a new Analyzer instance. Args: path (str): Path to the results folder. This folder should contain one or multiple testproblem folders. """ self.path = path self.testproblems = self._read_testproblems() def _read_testproblems(self): """Read all test problems (folders) in this results folder. Returns: dict: Dictionary of test problems, where the key is the test problem's name and the value is an instance of the TestProblemAnalyzer class. """ testproblems = dict() for tp in os.listdir(self.path): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.path, tp)): testproblems[tp] = TestProblemAnalyzer(self.path, tp) return testproblems
[docs]class TestProblemAnalyzer: """DeepOBS analyzer class for a specific test problem. This class will store all relevant information regarding a test problem, such as the convergence performance of this problem. Args: path (str): Path to the parent folder of the test problem (i.e. the results folder). tp (str): Name of the test problem (same as the folder name). Attributes: name: Name of the test problem in DeepOBS format (e.g. ``cifar10_3c3d``). conv_perf: Convergence performance for this test problem. metric: Metric to use for this test problem. If available this will be ``test_accuracies``, otherwise ``test_losses``. optimizer: Dictionary of optimizers for this test problem where the key is the name of the optimizer (e.g. ``GradientDescentOptimizer``) and the value is an instance of the OptimizerAnalyzer class (see below). """ def __init__(self, path, tp): """Initializes a new TestProblemAnalyzer instance. Args: path (str): Path to the parent folder of the test problem (i.e. the results folder). tp (str): Name of the test problem (same as the folder name). """ self._path = os.path.join(path, tp) = tp print("Setting up", self.conv_perf = self._get_conv_perf() if tp == 'quadratic_deep' or tp == 'mnist_vae' or tp == 'fmnist_vae': self.metric = "test_losses" else: self.metric = "test_accuracies" self.optimizers = self._read_optimizer() def _read_optimizer(self): """Read all optimizer (folders) in a test problem (folder). Returns: dict: Dictionary of optimizers, where the key is the optimizer's name and the value is an instance of the OptimizerAnalyzer class. """ optimizers = dict() for opt in os.listdir(self._path): optimizers[opt] = OptimizerAnalyzer(self._path, opt, self.metric,, self.conv_perf) return optimizers def _get_conv_perf(self): """Read the convergence performance for this test problem from a dictionary in the baseline folder. Returns: float: Convergence performance for this test problem """ try: with open(os.path.join(tensorflow.config.get_baseline_dir(), "convergence_performance.json"), "r") as f: return json.load(f)[] except IOError: print("Warning: Could not find a convergence performance file.") return 0.0
[docs]class OptimizerAnalyzer: """DeepOBS analyzer class for an optimizer (and a specific test problem). This class will give access to all relevant information regarding this optimizer such as the best performing hyperparameter setting or the number of settings. Args: path (str): Path to the parent folder of the optimizer folder (i.e. the test problem folder). opt (str): Name of the optimizer (folder). metric (str): Metric to use for this test problem. If available this will be ``test_accuracies``, otherwise ``test_losses``. testproblem (str): Name of the test problem this optimizer (folder) belongs to. conv_perf (float): Convergence performance of the test problem this optimizer (folder) belongs to. Attributes: name: Name of the optimizer (folder). metric: Metric to use for this test problem. If available this will be ``test_accuracies``, otherwise ``test_losses``. testproblem: Name of the test problem this optimizer (folder) belongs to. conv_perf: Convergence performance for this test problem. settings: Dictionary of hyperparameter settings for this optimizer (on this test problem) where the key is the name of the setting (folder) and the value is an instance of the SettingAnalyzer class (see below). num_settings: Total number of settings for this optimizer (and test problem) """ def __init__(self, path, opt, metric, testproblem, conv_perf): """Initializes a new OptimizerAnalyzer instance. Args: path (str): Path to the parent folder of the optimizer folder (i.e. the test problem folder). opt (str): Name of the optimizer (folder). metric (str): Metric to use for this test problem. If available this will be ``test_accuracies``, otherwise ``test_losses``. testproblem (str): Name of the test problem this optimizer (folder) belongs to. conv_perf (float): Convergence performance of the test problem this optimizer (folder) belongs to. """ self._path = os.path.join(path, opt) = opt self.metric = metric self.testproblem = testproblem self.conv_perf = conv_perf self.settings = self._read_settings() self.num_settings = len(self.settings) self._best_setting_final = None self._best_setting_best = None def _read_settings(self): """Read all settings (folders) in a optimizer (folder). Returns: dict: Dictionary of settings, where the key is the setting's name and the value is an instance of the SettingAnalyzer class. """ settings = dict() for sett in os.listdir(self._path): settings[sett] = SettingAnalyzer(self._path, sett, self.metric, self.testproblem, self.conv_perf) return settings
[docs] def get_best_setting_final(self): """Returns the setting for this optimizer that has the best final performance using the metric (``test_losses`` or ``test_accuracies``) defined for this test problem. Returns: SettingAnalyzer: Instance of the SettingAnalyzer class with the best final performance """ if self._best_setting_final is not None: return self._best_setting_final else: if self.metric == 'test_losses' or self.metric == 'train_losses': current_best = np.inf better = lambda x, y: x < y elif self.metric == 'test_accuracies' or self.metric == 'train_accuracies': current_best = -np.inf better = lambda x, y: x > y else: raise RuntimeError("Metric unknown") best_sett = None for _, sett in self.settings.items(): val = sett.aggregate.final_value if better(val, current_best): current_best = val best_ind = sett self._best_setting_final = best_ind return best_ind
[docs] def get_best_setting_best(self): """Returns the setting for this optimizer that has the best overall performance using the metric (``test_losses`` or ``test_accuracies``) defined for this test problem. In contrast to ``get_best_setting_final`` in not only looks at the final performance per setting, but the best performance per setting. Returns: SettingAnalyzer: Instance of the SettingAnalyzer class with the best overall performance """ if self._best_setting_best is not None: return self._best_setting_best else: if self.metric == 'test_losses' or self.metric == 'train_losses': current_best = np.inf better = lambda x, y: x < y elif self.metric == 'test_accuracies' or self.metric == 'train_accuracies': current_best = -np.inf better = lambda x, y: x > y else: raise RuntimeError("Metric unknown") best_sett = None for _, sett in self.settings.items(): val = sett.aggregate.best_value if better(val, current_best): current_best = val best_ind = sett self._best_setting_best = best_ind return best_ind
[docs] def get_setting_most_runs(self): """Returns the setting with the most repeated runs (with the same setting, but probably different seeds). Returns: SettingAnalyzer: Instance of the SettingAnalyzer class with the most repeated runs. """ most_runs = 0 for _, sett in self.settings.items(): if sett.aggregate.num_runs > most_runs: most_runs = sett.aggregate.num_runs most_run_setting = sett return most_run_setting
[docs] def plot_lr_sensitivity(self, ax, mode='final'): """Generates the ``learning rate`` sensitivity plot for this optimizer. This plots the relative performance (relative to the best setting for this optimizer) against the ``learning rate`` used in this setting. This assumes that all settings or otherwise equal and only different in the ``learning rate``. Args: ax (matplotlib.axes): Handle to a matplotlib axis to plot the ``learning rate`` sensitivity onto. mode (str): Whether to use the final (``final``) performance or the best (``best``) when evaluating each setting. Defaults to ``final``. """ rel_perf = [] lr = [] for _, sett in self.settings.items(): if mode == 'final': val = sett.aggregate.final_value best = self.get_best_setting_final().aggregate.final_value elif mode == 'best': val = sett.aggregate.best_value best = self.get_best_setting_best().aggregate.best_value else: raise RuntimeError("Mode unknown") if self.metric == 'test_losses' or self.metric == 'train_losses': rel_perf.append(best / val) elif self.metric == 'test_accuracies' or self.metric == 'train_accuracies': rel_perf.append(val / best) else: raise RuntimeError("Metric unknown") lr.append(sett.aggregate.output['learning_rate']) rel_perf = np.nan_to_num(rel_perf) # replace NaN with zero rel_perf = np.array(np.vstack((rel_perf, lr))).transpose() rel_perf = rel_perf[rel_perf[:, 1].argsort()] ax.plot(rel_perf[:, 1], rel_perf[:, 0], ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0])
[docs] def plot_performance(self, ax, mode='most'): """Generates a performance plot for this optimzer using one hyperparameter setting. Can either use the setting with the best final performance, the best overall performance or the setting with the most runs. This function will plot all four possible performance metrics (``test_losses``, ``train_losses``, ``test_accuracies`` and ``train_accuracies``). Args: ax (list): List of four matplotlib axis to plot the performancs metrics onto. mode (str): Whether to use the setting with the best final (``final``) performance, the best overall (``best``) performance or the setting with the most runs (``most``) when plotting. Defaults to ``most``. """ if mode == 'final': run = self.get_best_setting_final() elif mode == 'best': run = self.get_best_setting_best() elif mode == 'most': run = self.get_setting_most_runs() print("Plotting", run.aggregate.num_runs, "runs for ",, "on", run.aggregate.output['testproblem']) else: raise RuntimeError("Mode unknown") for idx, metric in enumerate([ 'test_losses', 'train_losses', 'test_accuracies', 'train_accuracies' ]): ax[idx].plot( run.aggregate.output[metric]['mean'], label=run.aggregate.output['optimizer']) ax[idx].fill_between( range(run.aggregate.output[metric]['mean'].size), run.aggregate.output[metric]['mean'] - run.aggregate.output[metric]['std'], run.aggregate.output[metric]['mean'] + run.aggregate.output[metric]['std'], color=ax[idx].get_lines()[-1].get_color(), alpha=0.2)
[docs] def get_bm_table(self, perf_table, mode='most'): """Generates the overall performance table for this optimizer. This includes metrics for the performance, speed and tuneability of this optimizer (on this test problem). Args: perf_table (dict): A dictionary with three keys: ``Performance``, ``Speed`` and ``Tuneability``. mode (str): Whether to use the setting with the best final (``final``) performance, the best overall (``best``) performance or the setting with the most runs (``most``). Defaults to ``most``. Returns: dict: Dictionary with holding the performance, speed and tuneability measure for this optimizer. """ if mode == 'final': run = self.get_best_setting_final() elif mode == 'best': run = self.get_best_setting_best() elif mode == 'most': run = self.get_setting_most_runs() perf_table['Performance'][] = run.aggregate.output[ self.metric]['mean'][-1] perf_table['Speed'][] = run.aggregate.output['speed'] perf_table['Tuneability'][] = { **{ 'lr': '{:0.2e}'.format(run.aggregate.output['learning_rate']) }, **run.aggregate.output['hyperparams'] } return perf_table
[docs]class SettingAnalyzer: """DeepOBS analyzer class for a setting (a hyperparameter setting). Args: path (str): Path to the parent folder of the setting folder (i.e. the optimizer folder). sett (str): Name of the setting (folder). metric (str): Metric to use for this test problem. If available this will be ``test_accuracies``, otherwise ``test_losses``. testproblem (str): Name of the test problem this setting (folder) belongs to. conv_perf (float): Convergence performance of the test problem this setting (folder) belongs to. Attributes: name (str): Name of the setting (folder). metric (str): Metric to use for this test problem. If available this will be ``test_accuracies``, otherwise ``test_losses``. testproblem (str): Name of the test problem this setting (folder) belongs to. conv_perf (float): Convergence performance for this test problem. aggregate (AggregateRun): Instance of the AggregateRun class for all runs with this setting. """ def __init__(self, path, sett, metric, testproblem, conv_perf): """Initializes a new SettingAnalyzer instance. Args: name (str): Path to the parent folder of the setting folder (i.e. the optimizer folder). sett (str): Name of the setting (folder). metric (str): Metric to use for this test problem. If available this will be ``test_accuracies``, otherwise ``test_losses``. testproblem (str): Name of the test problem this setting (folder) belongs to. conv_perf (float): Convergence performance of the test problem this setting (folder) belongs to. """ self._path = os.path.join(path, sett) = sett self.metric = metric self.testproblem = testproblem self.conv_perf = conv_perf self.aggregate = self._get_aggregate() def _get_aggregate(self): """Create aggregate run for all runs in this setting folder. Returns: AggregateRun: Instance of the AggregateRun class holding the aggregate information of all runs with these settings. """ runs = [] for r in os.listdir(self._path): if r.endswith(".json"): runs.append(r) return AggregateRun(self._path, runs,, self.metric, self.testproblem, self.conv_perf)
[docs]class AggregateRun: """DeepOBS class for a group of runs witht the same settings (but possibly different seeds). Args: path (str): Path to the parent folder of the aggregate run folder (i.e. the settings folder). runs (list): List of run names all with the same setting. name (str): Name of the aggregate run (folder). metric (str): Metric to use for this test problem. If available this will be ``test_accuracies``, otherwise ``test_losses``. testproblem (str): Name of the test problem this aggregate run (folder) belongs to. conv_perf (float): Convergence performance of the test problem this aggregate run (folder) belongs to. Attributes: name: Name of the aggregate run (folder). testproblem: Name of the test problem this aggregate run (folder) belongs to. conv_perf: Convergence performance for this test problem. runs: List of run names all with the same setting. num_runs: Number of runs (with the same setting). metric: Metric to use for this test problem. If available this will be ``test_accuracies``, otherwise ``test_losses``. output: Dictionary including all aggregate information of the runs with this setting. All performance metrics have a mean and a standard deviation (can be zero if there is only one run with this setting). final_value: Final (mean) value of the test problem's metric best_value: Best (mean) value of the test problem's metric """ def __init__(self, path, runs, name, metric, testproblem, conv_perf): """Initializes a new AggregateRun class. Args: path (str): Path to the parent folder of the aggregate run folder (i.e. the settings folder). runs (list): List of run names all with the same setting. name (str): Name of the aggregate run (folder). metric (str): Metric to use for this test problem. If available this will be ``test_accuracies``, otherwise ``test_losses``. testproblem (str): Name of the test problem this aggregate run (folder) belongs to. conv_perf (float): Convergence performance of the test problem this aggregate run (folder) belongs to. """ self._path = path = name self.testproblem = testproblem self.conv_perf = conv_perf self.runs = runs self.num_runs = len(runs) self.metric = metric self.output = self._aggregate() self.final_value = self._get_final_value() self.best_value = self._get_best_value() def _aggregate(self): """Aggregate performance data over all runs. Returns: dict: Dictionary including all aggregate information of the runs with this setting. All performance metrics have a mean and a standard deviation (can be zero if there is only one run with this setting). """ train_losses = [] train_accuracies = [] test_losses = [] test_accuracies = [] meta_loaded = False for run in self.runs: output = self._load_json(os.path.join(self._path, run)) # Get meta data from first run if not meta_loaded: meta = output meta_loaded = True train_losses.append(output['train_losses']) test_losses.append(output['test_losses']) if 'train_accuracies' in output: train_accuracies.append(output['train_accuracies']) test_accuracies.append(output['test_accuracies']) aggregate = dict() # compute speed perf = np.array(eval(self.metric)) if self.metric == "test_losses" or self.metric == "train_losses": # average over first time they reach conv perf (use num_epochs if conv perf is not reached) aggregate['speed'] = np.mean( np.argmax(perf <= self.conv_perf, axis=1) + np.invert(np.max(perf <= self.conv_perf, axis=1)) * perf.shape[1]) elif self.metric == "test_accuracies" or self.metric == "train_accuracies": aggregate['speed'] = np.mean( np.argmax(perf >= self.conv_perf, axis=1) + np.invert(np.max(perf >= self.conv_perf, axis=1)) * perf.shape[1]) # build dict for m in [ 'train_losses', 'test_losses', 'train_accuracies', 'test_accuracies' ]: aggregate[m] = { 'mean': np.mean(eval(m), axis=0), 'std': np.std(eval(m), axis=0) } # merge meta and aggregate (aggregate replaces) aggregate = {**meta, **aggregate} aggregate.pop('minibatch_train_losses', None) return aggregate def _load_json(self, path): """Load the ``JSON`` file of the given path. Args: path (str): Path to a ``JSON`` file. Returns: dict: Dictionary from the ``JSON`` file. """ with open(path, "r") as f: return json.load(f) def _get_final_value(self): """Get final (mean) value of the metric used in this test problem. Returns: float: Final (mean) value of the test problem's metric. """ return self.output[self.metric]['mean'][-1] def _get_best_value(self): """Get best (mean) value of the metric used in this test problem. Returns: float: Best (mean) value of the test problem's metric. """ if self.metric == 'test_losses' or self.metric == 'train_losses': return min(self.output[self.metric]['mean']) elif self.metric == 'test_accuracies' or self.metric == 'train_accuracies': return max(self.output[self.metric]['mean']) else: raise RuntimeError("Metric unknown")
def beautify_lr_sensitivity(fig, ax): """Beautify a learning rate sensitivity plot. This function adds axis labels and removes spines to create a nicer learning rate sensitivity plot. Args: fig (matplotlib.figure): Handle to the matplotlib figure of the learning rate sensitivity plot. ax (list): List of lists of matplotlib axis of the learning rate sensitivity plots. Returns: matplotlib.figure: Handle to the beautified matplotlib figure of the learning rate sensitivity plot. list: List of lists of the beautified matplotlib axis of the learning rate sensitivity plots. """ fig.suptitle("Learning rate sensitivity", fontsize=20) for i in range(ax.shape[0]): for j in range(ax.shape[1]): ax[i][j].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax[i][j].spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax[i][j].spines['right'].set_visible(False) # ax[i][j].spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax[i][j].spines['left'].set_visible(False) if i == 0: ax[i][j].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) if i == 1: ax[i][j].set_xlabel('Learning Rate') return fig, ax def texify_lr_sensitivity(fig, ax): """Write a ``.tex`` file with the learning rate sensitivity plot. The function will create a file named `tuning_plot.tex` with the latex code for the learning rate sensitivity plot. Args: fig (matplotlib.figure): Handle to the matplotlib figure of the learning rate sensitivity plot. ax (list): List of lists of matplotlib axis of the learning rate sensitivity plots. Returns: str: String of the latex code for the learning rate sensitivity plot. """ tikz_code = get_tikz_code( 'tuning_plot_new.tex', figureheight='\\figureheight', figurewidth='0.33\\figurewidth') tikz_code = tikz_code.replace( '\\begin{groupplot}[group style={group size=4 by 2}]', '\\begin{groupplot}[group style={group size=4 by 2, horizontal sep=0.02\\figurewidth, vertical sep=0.15cm}]' ) tikz_code = r"\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={label style={font=\tiny}, tick label style={font=\tiny}, legend style={font=\tiny, line width=1pt}}}" + tikz_code tikz_code = tikz_code.replace('minor', '%minor') # comment minor tick tikz_code = tikz_code.replace('x grid', '%x grid') # remove grid xmajorticks=false, tikz_code = tikz_code.replace('y grid', '%y grid') # remove grid tikz_code = tikz_code.replace('tick align', '%tick align') # ugly outside ticks tikz_code = tikz_code.replace( 'nextgroupplot[', 'nextgroupplot[axis x line*=bottom,\nhide y axis,' ) # ugly outside ticks tikz_code = tikz_code.replace( '(current bounding box.south west)!0.98!(current bounding box.north west)', '(current bounding box.south west)!1.05!(current bounding box.north west)' ) # position title higher tikz_code = tikz_code.replace('title={', 'title={\small ') # shrink title size # Write the file out again with open('tuning_plot.tex', 'w') as file: file.write(tikz_code) return tikz_code def rescale_ax(ax): """Rescale an axis to include the most important data. Args: ax (matplotlib.axis): Handle to a matplotlib axis. """ lines = ax.lines y_data = [] y_limits = [] for line in lines: if line.get_label() != "convergence_performance": y_data.append(line.get_ydata()) else: y_limits.append(line.get_ydata()[0]) if y_data: y_limits.append(np.percentile(np.array(y_data), 20)) y_limits.append(np.percentile(np.array(y_data), 80)) y_limits = y_limits + (np.array(y_data)[:, -1].tolist()) y_limits = [np.min(y_limits), np.max(y_limits)] y_limits = [y_limits[0] * 0.9, y_limits[1] * 1.1] if y_limits[0] != y_limits[1]: ax.set_ylim([max(1e-10, y_limits[0]), y_limits[1]]) ax.margins(x=0) else: ax.set_ylim([1.0, 2.0]) def beautify_plot_performance(fig, ax, folder_parser, problem_set): """Beautify a performance plot. This function adds axis labels, sets titles and more to create a nicer performance plot. Args: fig (matplotlib.figure): Handle to the matplotlib figure of the performance plot. ax (list): List of lists of matplotlib axis of the performance plot. folder_parser (Analyzer): An instance of the DeepOBS Analyzer class to plot the performance from. problem_set (str): Can either be ``small`` or ``large`` to switch between which benchmark set is being plotted. Returns: matplotlib.figure: Handle to the beautified matplotlib figure of the performance plot. list: List of lists of the beautified matplotlib axis of the performance plots. """ fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4) if problem_set == "small": fig.suptitle("Benchmark Set Small", fontsize=20) titles = [ "P1 Quadratic Deep", "P2 MNIST - VAE", "P3 F-MNIST - CNN", "P4 CIFAR-10 - CNN" ] # clear axis (needed for matplotlib2tikz)[2][0]) plt.cla()[2][1]) plt.cla()[3][1]) plt.cla() ax[2][1].axis('off') ax[3][1].axis('off') ax[1][0].set_xlabel("Epochs") ax[1][1].set_xlabel("Epochs") ax[2][2].set_ylabel("Test Accuracy") ax[3][2].set_ylabel("Train Accuracy") ax[1][1].tick_params( axis='x', which='major', bottom=False, labelbottom=True) # show x axis # Add convergence performance line for idx, tp in enumerate( ["quadratic_deep", "mnist_vae", "fmnist_2c2d", "cifar10_3c3d"]): if tp in folder_parser.testproblems: metric = folder_parser.testproblems[tp].metric conv_perf = folder_parser.testproblems[tp].conv_perf if metric == "test_losses": ax_row = 0 elif metric == "test_accuracies": ax_row = 2 ax[ax_row][idx].axhline( conv_perf, color='#AFB3B7', label="convergence_performance") elif problem_set == "large": fig.suptitle("Benchmark Set Large", fontsize=20) ax[1][0].set_xlabel("Epochs") ax[3][1].set_xlabel("Epochs") ax[2][1].set_ylabel("Test Accuracy") ax[3][1].set_ylabel("Train Accuracy") titles = [ "P5 F-MNIST - VAE", "P6 CIFAR 100 - All CNN C", "P7 SVHN - Wide ResNet 16-4", "P8 Tolstoi - Char RNN" ] # Add convergence performance line for idx, tp in enumerate([ "fmnist_vae", "cifar100_allcnnc", "svhn_wrn164", "tolstoi_char_rnn" ]): if tp in folder_parser.testproblems: metric = folder_parser.testproblems[tp].metric conv_perf = folder_parser.testproblems[tp].conv_perf if metric == "test_losses": ax_row = 0 elif metric == "test_accuracies": ax_row = 2 ax[ax_row][idx].axhline( conv_perf, color='#AFB3B7', label="convergence_performance") # clear axis (needed for matplotlib2tikz)[2][0]) plt.cla()[3][0]) plt.cla() ax[2][0].axis('off') ax[3][0].axis('off') ax[3][2].set_xlabel("Epochs") ax[3][3].set_xlabel("Epochs") ax[0][0].set_ylabel("Test Loss") ax[1][0].set_ylabel("Train Loss") ax[1][0].tick_params( axis='x', which='major', bottom=False, labelbottom=True) # show x axis # automatic rescaling for axlist in ax: for a in axlist: a = rescale_ax(a) # Legend handles, labels = ax[0][3].get_legend_handles_labels() # labels_tex = [tfobs.plot_utils.texify(l) for l in labels] ax[3][0].legend( handles, labels, loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(0.2, 1.1, 0.5, 0.5)) for idx, title in enumerate(titles): ax[0, idx].set_title(title) return fig, ax def texify_plot_performance(fig, ax, problem_set): """Write a ``.tex`` file with the performance plot. The function will create a file named `benchmark_small.tex` or `benchmark_large.tex` with the latex code for the performance plot. Args: fig (matplotlib.figure): Handle to the matplotlib figure of the performance plot. ax (list): List of lists of matplotlib axis of the performance plot. problem_set (str): Can either be ``small`` or ``large`` to switch between which benchmark set is being plotted. Returns: str: String of the latex code for the learning rate sensitivity plot. """ file_name = 'benchmark_' + str(problem_set) + '.tex' tikz_code = get_tikz_code( file_name, figureheight='\\figureheight', figurewidth='\\figurewidth') tikz_code = r"\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={label style={font=\tiny}, tick label style={font=\tiny}, legend style={font=\tiny, line width=1pt}}}" + tikz_code tikz_code = tikz_code.replace('minor', '%minor') # comment minor tick tikz_code = tikz_code.replace('x grid', '%x grid') # remove grid tikz_code = tikz_code.replace('y grid', '%y grid') # remove grid tikz_code = tikz_code.replace('tick align', '%tick align') # ugly outside ticks tikz_code = tikz_code.replace( 'nextgroupplot[', 'nextgroupplot[axis x line*=bottom,\naxis y line*=left,' ) # ugly outside ticks tikz_code = tikz_code.replace('xlabel={Epochs},\nxmajorticks=false,', 'xlabel={Epochs},\nxmajorticks=true,' ) # if x label is epoch, show ticks tikz_code = tikz_code.replace('ymajorticks=false,', 'ymajorticks=true,') # show y labels tikz_code = tikz_code.replace('\mathdefault', '') # remove mathdefault in labels tikz_code = tikz_code.replace( '\path [draw=white!80.0!black, fill opacity=0]', '%\path [draw=white!80.0!black, fill opacity=0]' ) # remove lines that are created for some reason tikz_code = tikz_code.replace( '(current bounding box.south west)!0.98!(current bounding box.north west)', '(current bounding box.south west)!1.05!(current bounding box.north west)' ) # position title higher tikz_code = tikz_code.replace('title={', 'title={\small ') # shrink title size tikz_code = tikz_code.replace( 'group style={group size=4 by 4', 'group style={group size=4 by 4, horizontal sep=1cm, vertical sep=0.4cm ' ) # reduce separation between plots tikz_code = tikz_code.replace( 'ylabel={Test Loss}', r'ylabel style={align=left}, ylabel=Test\\Loss' ) # y label in two lines tikz_code = tikz_code.replace( 'ylabel={Test Accuracy}', r'ylabel style={align=left}, ylabel=Test\\Accuracy' ) # y label in two lines tikz_code = tikz_code.replace( 'ylabel={Train Loss}', r'ylabel style={align=left}, ylabel=Train\\Loss' ) # y label in two lines tikz_code = tikz_code.replace( 'ylabel={Train Accuracy}', r'ylabel style={align=left}, ylabel=Train\\Accuracy' ) # y label in two lines # Write the file out again with open(file_name, 'w') as file: file.write(tikz_code) return tikz_code def beautify_plot_table(bm_table): """Beautify a performance table. This function makes a few changes to the performance table to make it nicer. Args: bm_table (dict): Dictionary holding all the information for the performance table. Returns: pandas.dataframe: A pandas data frame for the performance table. """ bm_table_pd = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({(i, j): bm_table[i][j] for i in bm_table.keys() for j in bm_table[i].keys()}).T cols = list(bm_table_pd.columns.values) if 'AdamOptimizer' in cols: cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index('AdamOptimizer'))) if 'MomentumOptimizer' in cols: cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index('MomentumOptimizer'))) if 'GradientDescentOptimizer' in cols: cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index('GradientDescentOptimizer'))) bm_table_pd = bm_table_pd.reindex(columns=cols) print(bm_table_pd) return bm_table_pd def texify_plot_table(perf_table_pd, problem_set): """Write a ``.tex`` file with the performance table. The function will create a file named `performance_table_small.tex` or `performance_table_large.tex` with the latex code for the performance table. Args: perf_table_pd (pandas.dataframe): Pandas data frame for the performance table. problem_set (str): Can either be ``small`` or ``large`` to switch between which benchmark set is being plotted. Returns: str: String of the latex code for the performance table. """ if not perf_table_pd.empty: # Postprocessing for Latex Output pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1) perf_table_pd_n = perf_table_pd.apply( norm, axis=1) # normalize between 0 and 100 perf_table_pd_n_str = perf_table_pd_n.applymap( add_color_coding_tex) + perf_table_pd.applymap( latex) # combine normalise version with latex color code command perf_table_pd_n_str.columns = perf_table_pd_n_str.columns.str.replace( '_', r'\_') # Texify the column headers tikz_code = r"\def\cca#1#2{\cellcolor{green!#1!red}\ifnum #1<50\color{white}\fi{#2}}" +\ "\n" + r"\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{%" + "\n" +\ perf_table_pd_n_str.to_latex(escape=False) + r"}" with open('performance_table_' + problem_set + '.tex', 'w') as tex_file: tex_file.write(tikz_code) return tikz_code def norm(x): """Normalize the input of x, depending on the name (higher is better if test_acc is used, otherwise lower is better)""" if[1] == 'Tuneability': return x if x.min() == x.max(): return x - x.min() + 50.0 if[1] == 'Performance': if[0] == "quadratic_deep" or[0] == "mnist_vae" or[ 0] == "fmnist_vae": return np.abs((x - x.max()) / (x.min() - x.max()) * 100) else: return np.abs((x - x.min()) / (x.max() - x.min()) * 100) else: return np.abs((x - x.max()) / (x.min() - x.max()) * 100) def latex(input): """Create the latex output version of the input.""" if isinstance(input, float): input = "%.4f" % input return "{" + str(input) + "}" elif isinstance(input, int): return "{" + str(input) + "}" elif isinstance(input, dict): return str(input).replace('{', '').replace('}', '').replace( "'", '').replace('_', '') else: return "" def add_color_coding_tex(input): """Adds the latex command for color coding to the input""" if isinstance(input, str) or isinstance(input, int) or isinstance( input, float) and not np.isnan(input): return "\cca{" + str(int(input)) + "}" else: return ""