Source code for deepobs.tensorflow.testproblems.testproblem

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Base class for DeepOBS test problems."""

[docs]class TestProblem(object): """Base class for DeepOBS test problems. Args: batch_size (int): Batch size to use. weight_decay (float): Weight decay (L2-regularization) factor to use. If not specified, the test problems revert to their respective defaults. Note: Some test problems do not use regularization and this value will be ignored in such a case. Attributes: dataset: The dataset used by the test problem (datasets.DataSet instance). train_init_op: A tensorflow operation initializing the test problem for the training phase. train_eval_init_op: A tensorflow operation initializing the test problem for evaluating on training data. test_init_op: A tensorflow operation initializing the test problem for evaluating on test data. losses: A tf.Tensor of shape (batch_size, ) containing the per-example loss values. regularizer: A scalar tf.Tensor containing a regularization term (might be a constant 0.0 for test problems that do not use regularization). accuracy: A scalar tf.Tensor containing the mini-batch mean accuracy. """ def __init__(self, batch_size, weight_decay=None): """Creates a new test problem instance. Args: batch_size (int): Batch size to use. weight_decay (float): Weight decay (L2-regularization) factor to use. If not specified, the test problems revert to their respective defaults. Note: Some test problems do not use regularization and this value will be ignored in such a case. """ self._batch_size = batch_size self._weight_decay = weight_decay # Public attributes by which to interact with test problems. These have to # be created by the set_up function of sub-classes. self.dataset = None self.train_init_op = None self.train_eval_init_op = None self.valid_init_op = None self.test_init_op = None self.losses = None self.regularizer = None self.accuracy = None
[docs] def set_up(self): """Sets up the test problem. This includes setting up the data loading pipeline for the data set and creating the tensorflow computation graph for this test problem (e.g. creating the neural network). """ raise NotImplementedError( """'TestProblem' is an abstract base class, please use one of the sub-classes.""" )