Source code for deepobs.pytorch.runners.runner

"""Module implementing StandardRunner."""

from __future__ import print_function

import abc
import importlib
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from random import seed

import numpy as np
import torch

from deepobs import config as global_config
from deepobs.abstract_runner.abstract_runner import Runner

from .. import config, testproblems
from . import runner_utils

[docs]class PTRunner(Runner): """The abstract class for runner in the pytorch framework."""
[docs] def __init__(self, optimizer_class, hyperparameter_names): super(PTRunner, self).__init__(optimizer_class, hyperparameter_names)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def training( self, tproblem, hyperparams, num_epochs, print_train_iter, train_log_interval, tb_log, tb_log_dir, **training_params ): return
[docs] @staticmethod def create_testproblem(testproblem, batch_size, l2_reg, random_seed): """Sets up the deepobs.pytorch.testproblems.testproblem instance. Args: testproblem (str): The name of the testproblem. batch_size (int): Batch size that is used for training l2_reg (float): Regularization factor random_seed (int): The random seed of the framework Returns: deepobs.pytorch.testproblems.testproblem: An instance of deepobs.pytorch.testproblems.testproblem """ # set the seed and GPU determinism if config.get_is_deterministic(): torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False else: torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = False torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True seed(random_seed) np.random.seed(random_seed) torch.manual_seed(random_seed) # Find testproblem by name and instantiate with batch size and L2-regularization. try: testproblem_mod = importlib.import_module(testproblem) testproblem_cls = getattr(testproblem_mod, testproblem) print("Loading local testproblem.") except: testproblem_cls = getattr(testproblems, testproblem) # if the user specified L2-regularization, use that one if l2_reg is not None: tproblem = testproblem_cls(batch_size, l2_reg) # else use the default of the testproblem else: tproblem = testproblem_cls(batch_size) # Set up the testproblem. tproblem.set_up() return tproblem
# Wrapper functions for the evaluation phase.
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(tproblem, phase): """Evaluates the performance of the current state of the model of the testproblem instance. Has to be called in the beggining of every epoch within the training method. Returns the losses and accuracies. Args: tproblem (testproblem): The testproblem instance to evaluate phase (str): The phase of the evaluation. Must be one of 'TRAIN', 'VALID' or 'TEST' Returns: float: The loss of the current state. float: The accuracy of the current state. """ if phase == "TEST": tproblem.test_init_op() msg = "TEST:" elif phase == "TRAIN": tproblem.train_eval_init_op() msg = "TRAIN:" elif phase == "VALID": tproblem.valid_init_op() msg = "VALID:" # evaluation loop over every batch of the corresponding evaluation set loss = 0.0 accuracy = 0.0 batchCount = 0.0 while True: try: batch_loss, batch_accuracy = tproblem.get_batch_loss_and_accuracy() batchCount += 1.0 loss += batch_loss.item() accuracy += batch_accuracy except StopIteration: break loss /= batchCount accuracy /= batchCount if accuracy != 0.0: print("{0:s} loss {1:g}, acc {2:f}".format(msg, loss, accuracy)) else: print("{0:s} loss {1:g}".format(msg, loss)) return loss, accuracy
def evaluate_all( self, epoch_count, num_epochs, tproblem, train_losses, valid_losses, test_losses, train_accuracies, valid_accuracies, test_accuracies, ): print("********************************") print( "Evaluating after {0:d} of {1:d} epochs...".format(epoch_count, num_epochs) ) loss_, acc_ = self.evaluate(tproblem, phase="TRAIN") train_losses.append(loss_) train_accuracies.append(acc_) loss_, acc_ = self.evaluate(tproblem, phase="VALID") valid_losses.append(loss_) valid_accuracies.append(acc_) loss_, acc_ = self.evaluate(tproblem, phase="TEST") test_losses.append(loss_) test_accuracies.append(acc_) print("********************************")
[docs]class StandardRunner(PTRunner): """A standard runner. Can run a normal training loop with fixed hyperparams. It should be used as a template to implement custom runners. """
[docs] def __init__(self, optimizer_class, hyperparameter_names): super(StandardRunner, self).__init__(optimizer_class, hyperparameter_names)
[docs] def training( self, tproblem, hyperparams, num_epochs, print_train_iter, train_log_interval, tb_log, tb_log_dir, ): opt = self._optimizer_class(, **hyperparams) # Lists to log train/test loss and accuracy. train_losses = [] valid_losses = [] test_losses = [] train_accuracies = [] valid_accuracies = [] test_accuracies = [] minibatch_train_losses = [] if tb_log: try: from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter summary_writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=tb_log_dir) except ImportError as e: warnings.warn( "Not possible to use tensorboard for pytorch. Reason: " + e.msg, RuntimeWarning, ) tb_log = False global_step = 0 for epoch_count in range(num_epochs + 1): # Evaluate at beginning of epoch. self.evaluate_all( epoch_count, num_epochs, tproblem, train_losses, valid_losses, test_losses, train_accuracies, valid_accuracies, test_accuracies, ) # Break from train loop after the last round of evaluation if epoch_count == num_epochs: break ### Training ### # set to training mode tproblem.train_init_op() batch_count = 0 while True: try: opt.zero_grad() batch_loss, _ = tproblem.get_batch_loss_and_accuracy() batch_loss.backward() opt.step() if batch_count % train_log_interval == 0: minibatch_train_losses.append(batch_loss.item()) if print_train_iter: print( "Epoch {0:d}, step {1:d}: loss {2:g}".format( epoch_count, batch_count, batch_loss ) ) if tb_log: summary_writer.add_scalar( "loss", batch_loss.item(), global_step ) batch_count += 1 global_step += 1 except StopIteration: break if not np.isfinite(batch_loss.item()): self._abort_routine( epoch_count, num_epochs, train_losses, valid_losses, test_losses, train_accuracies, valid_accuracies, test_accuracies, minibatch_train_losses, ) break else: continue if tb_log: summary_writer.close() # Put results into output dictionary. output = { "train_losses": train_losses, "valid_losses": valid_losses, "test_losses": test_losses, "minibatch_train_losses": minibatch_train_losses, "train_accuracies": train_accuracies, "valid_accuracies": valid_accuracies, "test_accuracies": test_accuracies, } return output
[docs]class LearningRateScheduleRunner(PTRunner): """A runner for learning rate schedules. Can run a normal training loop with fixed hyperparams or a learning rate schedule. It should be used as a template to implement custom runners. """
[docs] def __init__(self, optimizer_class, hyperparameter_names): super(LearningRateScheduleRunner, self).__init__( optimizer_class, hyperparameter_names )
def _add_training_params_to_argparse(self, parser, args, training_params): try: args["lr_sched_epochs"] = training_params["lr_sched_epochs"] except KeyError: parser.add_argument( "--lr_sched_epochs", nargs="+", type=int, help="""One or more epoch numbers (positive integers) that mark learning rate changes. The base learning rate has to be passed via '--learing_rate' and the factors by which to change have to be passed via '--lr_sched_factors'. Example: '--lr 0.3 --lr_sched_epochs 50 100 --lr_sched_factors 0.1 0.01' will start with a learning rate of 0.3, then decrease to 0.1*0.3=0.03 after training for 50 epochs, and decrease to 0.01*0.3=0.003' after training for 100 epochs.""", ) try: args["lr_sched_factors"] = training_params["lr_sched_factors"] except KeyError: parser.add_argument( "--lr_sched_factors", nargs="+", type=float, help="""One or more factors (floats) by which to change the learning rate. The base learning rate has to be passed via '--learing_rate' and the epochs at which to change the learning rate have to be passed via '--lr_sched_factors'. Example: '--lr 0.3 --lr_sched_epochs 50 100 --lr_sched_factors 0.1 0.01' will start with a learning rate of 0.3, then decrease to 0.1*0.3=0.03 after training for 50 epochs, and decrease to 0.01*0.3=0.003' after training for 100 epochs.""", )
[docs] def training( self, tproblem, hyperparams, num_epochs, print_train_iter, train_log_interval, tb_log, tb_log_dir, # the following are the training_params lr_sched_epochs=None, lr_sched_factors=None, ): """Performs the training and stores the metrices. Args: tproblem (deepobs.[tensorflow/pytorch].testproblems.testproblem): The testproblem instance to train on. hyperparams (dict): The optimizer hyperparameters to use for the training. num_epochs (int): The number of training epochs. print_train_iter (bool): Whether to print the training progress at every train_log_interval train_log_interval (int): Mini-batch interval for logging. tb_log (bool): Whether to use tensorboard logging or not tb_log_dir (str): The path where to save tensorboard events. lr_sched_epochs (list): The epochs where to adjust the learning rate. lr_sched_factors (list): The corresponding factors by which to adjust the learning rate. Returns: dict: The logged metrices. Is of the form: \ {'test_losses' : [...], \ 'valid_losses': [...], \ 'train_losses': [...], \ 'test_accuracies': [...], \ 'valid_accuracies': [...], \ 'train_accuracies': [...] \ } \ where the metrices values are lists that were filled during training. """ opt = self._optimizer_class(, **hyperparams) if lr_sched_epochs is not None: lr_schedule = runner_utils.make_lr_schedule( optimizer=opt, lr_sched_epochs=lr_sched_epochs, lr_sched_factors=lr_sched_factors, ) # Lists to log train/test loss and accuracy. train_losses = [] valid_losses = [] test_losses = [] train_accuracies = [] valid_accuracies = [] test_accuracies = [] minibatch_train_losses = [] for epoch_count in range(num_epochs + 1): # Evaluate at beginning of epoch. self.evaluate_all( epoch_count, num_epochs, tproblem, train_losses, valid_losses, test_losses, train_accuracies, valid_accuracies, test_accuracies, ) # Break from train loop after the last round of evaluation if epoch_count == num_epochs: break ### Training ### if lr_sched_epochs is not None: # get the next learning rate lr_schedule.step(epoch_count) if epoch_count in lr_sched_epochs: print("Setting learning rate to {0}".format(lr_schedule.get_lr())) # set to training mode tproblem.train_init_op() batch_count = 0 while True: try: opt.zero_grad() batch_loss, _ = tproblem.get_batch_loss_and_accuracy() batch_loss.backward() opt.step() if batch_count % train_log_interval == 0: minibatch_train_losses.append(batch_loss.item()) if print_train_iter: print( "Epoch {0:d}, step {1:d}: loss {2:g}".format( epoch_count, batch_count, batch_loss ) ) batch_count += 1 except StopIteration: break # break from training if it goes wrong if not np.isfinite(batch_loss.item()): self._abort_routine( epoch_count, num_epochs, train_losses, valid_losses, test_losses, train_accuracies, valid_accuracies, test_accuracies, ) break else: continue # Put results into output dictionary. output = { "train_losses": train_losses, "valid_losses": valid_losses, "test_losses": test_losses, "minibatch_train_losses": minibatch_train_losses, "train_accuracies": train_accuracies, "valid_accuracies": valid_accuracies, "test_accuracies": test_accuracies, } return output