Source code for deepobs.tensorflow.testproblems.two_d_branin

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A simple 2D Noisy Branin Loss Function."""

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from ..datasets.two_d import two_d
from .testproblem import TestProblem

[docs]class two_d_branin(TestProblem): r"""DeepOBS test problem class for a stochastic version of the\ two-dimensional Branin function as the loss function. Using the deterministic `Branin function <>`_ and adding stochastic noise of the form :math:`u \cdot x + v \cdot y` where ``x`` and ``y`` are normally distributed with mean ``0.0`` and standard deviation ``1.0`` we get a loss function of the form :math:`(v - 5.1/(4 \cdot \pi^2) u^2 + 5/ \pi u - 6)^2 +\ 10 \cdot (1-1/(8 \cdot \pi)) \cdot \cos(u) + 10 + u \cdot x + v \cdot y`. Args: batch_size (int): Batch size to use. l2_reg (float): No L2-regularization (weight decay) is used in this test problem. Defaults to ``None`` and any input here is ignored. Attributes: dataset: The DeepOBS data set class for the two_d stochastic test problem. train_init_op: A tensorflow operation initializing the test problem for the training phase. train_eval_init_op: A tensorflow operation initializing the test problem for evaluating on training data. test_init_op: A tensorflow operation initializing the test problem for evaluating on test data. losses: A tf.Tensor of shape (batch_size, ) containing the per-example loss values. regularizer: A scalar tf.Tensor containing a regularization term. Will always be ``0.0`` since no regularizer is used. """ def __init__(self, batch_size, l2_reg=None): """Create a new 2D Branin test problem instance. Args: batch_size (int): Batch size to use. l2_reg (float): No L2-regularization (weight decay) is used in this test problem. Defaults to ``None`` and any input here is ignored. """ super(two_d_branin, self).__init__(batch_size, l2_reg) if l2_reg is not None: print( "WARNING: L2-Regularization is non-zero but no L2-regularization is used", "for this model.", )
[docs] def set_up(self): """Sets up the stochastic two-dimensional Branin test problem. Using ``2.5`` and ``12.5`` as a starting point for the weights ``u`` and ``v``. """ self.dataset = two_d(self._batch_size) self.train_init_op = self.dataset.train_init_op self.train_eval_init_op = self.dataset.train_eval_init_op self.valid_init_op = self.dataset.valid_init_op self.test_init_op = self.dataset.test_init_op x, y = self.dataset.batch # Set starting point starting_point = [2.5, 12.5] # Set model weights u = tf.get_variable( "weight", shape=(), initializer=tf.constant_initializer(starting_point[0]), ) v = tf.get_variable( "bias", shape=(), initializer=tf.constant_initializer(starting_point[1]), ) # Define some constants. a = 1.0 b = 5.1 / (4.0 * np.pi ** 2) c = 5 / np.pi r = 6.0 s = 10.0 t = 1 / (8.0 * np.pi) self.losses = ( a * (v - b * u ** 2 + c * u - r) ** 2 + s * (1 - t) * tf.cos(u) + s + u * x + v * y ) self.regularizer = tf.losses.get_regularization_loss()