Source code for deepobs.tuner.bayesian_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import os
import pickle
from itertools import product

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from ..analyzer.shared_utils import _append_json, _clear_json

def _reshape_posterior_and_domain_for_plotting(mean, std, domain, acq, resolution):
    num_features = domain.shape[-1]
    new_shape = tuple(np.repeat(resolution, num_features))
    mean = mean.reshape(new_shape)
    std = std.reshape(new_shape)
    acq = acq.reshape(new_shape)
    new_domain = []
    for idx in range(num_features):
        new_domain.append(domain[:, idx].reshape(new_shape))
    return mean, std, new_domain, acq

[docs]def plot_2d_bo_posterior(optimizer_path, step, resolution, show=True): """Plots the two dimensional GP posterior of the Bayesian tuning process. The tuning process must have been done for exactly two hyperparameters (i.e. two dimensional). Args: optimizer_path (str): Path to the optimizer which was tuned. step (int): The step of the tuning process for which the posterior is plotted. resolution (int): Resolution of the plot, i.e. number of x-values. show (bool): Whether to show the plot or not. Returns: tuple: Figure and axes of the plot. """ op = _load_bo_optimizer_object(os.path.join(optimizer_path, "obj"), str(step)) acq_func = _load_bo_optimizer_object( os.path.join(optimizer_path, "obj"), "acq_func" ) mean, std, domain = _calculate_posterior_from_op(op, resolution) acq = acq_func.utility(domain, op._gp, 0) mean, std, domain, acq = _reshape_posterior_and_domain_for_plotting( mean, std, domain, acq, resolution ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1) ax[0].contourf(domain[0], domain[1], mean) ax[0].set_xlabel([0]) ax[0].set_ylabel([1]) # TODO plot posterior std # add step points ax[0].scatter([:, 0],[:, 1]) ax[1].contourf(domain[0], domain[1], acq) if show: return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_1d_bo_posterior(optimizer_path, step, resolution, xscale="linear", show=True): """Plots the one dimensional GP posterior of the Bayesian tuning process. The tuning process must have been done for only one hyperparameter (i.e. one dimensional). Args: optimizer_path (str): Path to the optimizer which was tuned. step (int): The step of the tuning process for which the posterior is plotted. resolution (int): Resolution of the plot, i.e. number of x-values. xscale (str): The scaling for the x-axis. show (bool): Whether to show the plot or not. Returns: tuple: The figure and axes of the plot. """ op = _load_bo_optimizer_object(os.path.join(optimizer_path, "obj"), str(step)) acq_func = _load_bo_optimizer_object( os.path.join(optimizer_path, "obj"), "acq_func" ) mean, std, domain = _calculate_posterior_from_op(op, resolution) acq = acq_func.utility(domain, op._gp, 0) mean, std, domain, acq = _reshape_posterior_and_domain_for_plotting( mean, std, domain, acq, resolution ) domain = np.squeeze(domain) acq = np.squeeze(acq) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1) ax[0].plot(domain, mean) ax[0].fill_between(domain, mean - std, mean + std, alpha=0.3) ax[0].set_xlabel([0]) ax[0].set_ylabel("target") ax[1].plot(domain, acq) ax[0].set_xscale(xscale) ax[1].set_xscale(xscale) # add step points ax[0].scatter(, if show: return fig, ax
def _generate_domain_from_op(op, resolution): keys = bounds = linspaces = [] for idx, key in enumerate(keys): linspaces.append(np.linspace(*bounds[idx], num=resolution)) domain = np.array(list(product(*linspaces))) return domain def _calculate_posterior_from_op(op, resolution): domain = _generate_domain_from_op(op, resolution) mean, std = op._gp.predict(domain, return_std=True) return mean, std, domain def _init_summary_directory(log_path, file=None): if not os.path.isdir(log_path): os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True) else: if file is not None: # clean just one file _clear_json(log_path, file) else: # clean whole directory [os.remove(os.path.join(log_path, file)) for file in os.listdir(log_path)] def _save_bo_optimizer_object(path, file_name, op): with open(os.path.join(path, file_name), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(op, f) def _load_bo_optimizer_object(path, file_name): with open(os.path.join(path, file_name), "rb") as f: op = pickle.load(f) return op def _update_bo_tuning_summary(gp, next_point, target, log_path): grid = np.zeros((1, len(next_point))) c = 0 for key, value in next_point.items(): grid[0, c] = value c += 1 predicted_target_mean, predicted_target_std = gp.predict(grid, return_std=True) summary_dict = {} summary_dict["predicted_target"] = predicted_target_mean[0] summary_dict["target"] = target _append_json(log_path, "bo_tuning_log.json", (next_point, summary_dict))